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Data Science at the Command Line: The Free eBook Review

If you are familiar with Python & R, then improve your current data science workflow by integrating Unix power tools.

At the end of last year, I was quite motivated to learn everything about MLOps, and my end goal was to build an end-to-end machine learning system. Just like other curious heads, I signed up for the MLOps event by Noah Gift. He was promoting his book and tutorial on Coursera. I was just surprised by how I never learned command-line tools and how they are essential for automation. During the Q&A session, I told him about my obsession, and he guided me to take his mini-course on DataCamp: Command Line Automation in Python. This course gave me a new perspective about data pipelines, editing data, creating scripts, and how a single line of code on a terminal can produce the same results as 15 lines of code on Python. So, I kept looking for the best material on the command line, and then I found Data Science at the Command Line by Jeroen Janssens.

Read my blog to know learn about the special features of the book: https://www.kdnuggets.com/2022/03/data-science-command-line-free-ebook.html